What We Do.

Make a Difference Using What Makes You Different

We’ve often heard that we need to be good disciples of Christ by giving our ‘time, talent, and treasure’.

Giving of our precious time and money is somewhat obvious but what do we mean by giving our “talent”? We all have been given a unique set of gifts from the Holy Spirit but what are they? Maybe we think we know what they are. But are we right?

The programs from EmergentStrengths Ministries focus on discovering what those gifts or talents are. And then they help to discern how we put those talents into action. That is how we steward our gifts.

Living your best life begins when you tap into your unique God-given talents.

And it starts by completing one simple, online assessment.

In return, you’ll receive insights that will change the way you work and will impact the rest of your life as you learn what God wants you to do.

All of our programs are customized to the audience/participants (eg. ministry leaders, individuals, ministry teams, cross-functional groups, etc).

For more information on our programs for groups click here.

For more information on our services for individuals and small groups click here.

For immediate information on customized solutions and how we can help you and/or your organization, please email us at:
Barry@EmergentStrengths.com or Elizabeth@EmergentStrengths.com

or call:
